Hotel Kawallo****, Słubice k. Płocka

A modern swimming pool zone is a guarantee of a successful holiday regardless of the weather. This place was created especially for relaxation, where everyone will find something for themselves


We offer our guests:

  • 16m x 6.5 m swimming pool with water attractions (hydromassage, cascade)
  • paddling pool for children with a water curtain
  • recreation and rehabilitation jacuzzi with water massage jets
  • a lounge area with deckchairs

A morning swim in the pool with a view of the surrounding forest will make you energized and the evening relaxation in the jacuzzi will allow you to fully relax before bedtime.

The swimming pool area regularly organizes aqua aerobic classes and swimming lessons.  

Our Offers
Weekend in the heart of the forest
from 2 099 /stay
from 2 099 /stay
  • 2 nights
  • Breakfast and Dinner
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Weekend in the heart of the forest
Men's thing
from 600 /pers./night
from 600 /pers./night
  • 1 night
  • Breakfast and Dinner
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Men's thing
SPA for singles
  • any length of stay
  • Breakfast and Dinner
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SPA for singles
Beztroski senior (3 noce)
from 2 999 /stay
from 2 999 /stay
  • 3 nights
  • Breakfast and Dinner
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Beztroski senior (3 noce)
Friends in SPA
from 2 699 /stay
from 2 699 /stay
  • 1 night
  • Breakfast and Dinner
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Friends in SPA
Thermal regeneration of the body
from 1 799 /night
from 1 799 /night
  • 1 night
  • Breakfast and Dinner
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Thermal regeneration of the body
Birthday in SPA
from 1 299 /stay
from 1 299 /stay
  • 1 night
  • Breakfast and Dinner
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Birthday in SPA
Exclusive package
from 3 099 /night
from 3 099 /night
  • 1 night
  • Breakfast and Dinner
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Exclusive package
Creative engagement
from 1 599 /stay
from 1 599 /stay
  • 1 night
  • Breakfast and Dinner
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Creative engagement
Gift for parents
from 1 499 /stay
from 1 499 /stay
  • 1 night
  • Breakfast and Dinner
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Gift for parents
Bachelorette party
from 2 199 /stay
from 2 199 /stay
  • 1 night
  • Breakfast and Dinner
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Bachelorette party
Wedding anniversary
from 1 499 /stay
from 1 499 /stay
  • 1 night
  • Breakfast and Dinner
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Wedding anniversary
from 1 299 /stay
from 1 299 /stay
  • any length of stay
  • Breakfast and Dinner
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Price of the day - elastic offer
from 640 /night
from 640 /night
  • any length of stay
  • Breakfast
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Price of the day - elastic offer
View all

Leonów 7a, Słubice
Przy trasie: nr. 575

View on map

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